Airtable Ordering Instructions
Stanford University does not have a centrally funded purchase agreement for Airtable, but we have negotiated special pricing as outlined below in case it meets your needs:
It requires an annual commitment and a minimum of 10 Users. Pricing is $20 Per User Per Month (PUPM) for Airtable’s Enterprise Plan, with a not to exceed renewal cap of 3%. Please follow the process outlined below to request an Order Form for Airtable’s Enterprise Plan.
Please email our Account Executive, Wendy Perque with the following information:
- Name of your business unit/school
- Bill to/Ship to Address
- Billing Contact Email
- Number of Users
- Brief description of use case
You may view and compare Airtable’s complete offerings, including individual monthly subscriptions.
Wendy will follow up with an Order Form within 2 business days for you to process with Procurement Services.